
TrishaYearwood–HowDoILive:歌詞+中文翻譯.原為TrishaYearwood,後來LeAnnRimes...HowdoI,getthroughonenightwithoutyou;我該如何度 ...,Ifyouevergo.HowdoIever,eversurvive.HowdoI,howdoI,ohhowdoIlive.HowdoIlivewithoutyou?HowdoIlivewithoutyou,baby?HowdoIlive.,HowDoILiveLyrics:DianeWarrenMusic:DianeWarrenArranger:BlueConerTransla.,我該如何,該如何,該如何繼續活下去?There'dbenoworldleftforme.HowdoIlivewit...

Trisha Yearwood - How Do I Live:歌詞+中文翻譯

Trisha Yearwood – How Do I Live:歌詞+中文翻譯. 原為Trisha Yearwood,後來LeAnn Rimes ... How do I, get through one night without you; 我該如何度 ...

[PDF] LeAnn Rimes - How Do I Live - lyrics

If you ever go. How do I ever, ever survive. How do I, how do I, oh how do I live. How do I live without you? How do I live without you, baby? How do I live.

【音樂】LeAnn Rimes

How Do I Live Lyrics: Diane Warren Music: Diane Warren Arranger: Blue Coner Transla.

LeAnn Rimes Trisha Yearwood 我該怎麼活

我該如何,該如何,該如何繼續活下去? There'd be no world left for me. How do I live without you? How do I breathe without you?

LeAnn Rimes - How Do I Live? 我如何活下去

LeAnn Rimes - How Do I Live? 我如何活下去How do I, 我如何Get through one night without you? 度過整晚沒有妳? If I.

how do i live的歌詞中文翻譯我怎麼活下去我該如何度過沒有你的夜...

評分 4.7 (168) · 黎安萊姆斯-how do i live的歌詞中文翻譯我怎麼活下去我該如何度過沒有你的夜如果我必須沒有你而活下去那會是什麼樣的人生我需要你在我懷裡需要你的 ...

How Do I Live(我怎麼活)-歌詞-巨星系列

How do I get through one night without you. If I had to live without you. What kind of life would that be. Oh and I, I need you in my arms. Need you to hold

How Do I Live (Extended Mix) - LeAnn Rimes

而我,寶貝,我不知道我會怎麼做如果我失去了你,如果你離開了,我會迷失方向. I'd be lost if I lost you, if you ever leave. 如果我失去了你,如果你離開了,我會迷失方向.

How Do I Live{我怎麼活下去} 中英歌詞

Comments3 · Everything I Do I Do It for You 一切為了你[俠盜羅賓漢主題曲] / Kenny G ft. LeAnn Rimes [ 中英歌詞] · Shorts remixing this video · How ...

LeAnn Rimes - How Do I Live [Lyrics]

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